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Ahtomn's Autumn Unicorn Session

My editing list has now made it to the Autumn Unicorn Sessions.Only fitting that the first one be for Miss Ahtomn! The weather was not cooperative on the day the photos were originally scheduled; Saturday, October 12th. It was windy, miserably cold, gloomy, snowing, everything that would ruin a photo session. We had 1 person that was willing to still brave the storm and come out for the pictures this day. Luckily for me, it was a very pretty & sweet girl, old enough to follow a few simple directions to make this session not only be quick, but also to work well later for my photo editing. I instructed her on how to pose and not scrunch up from the cold. That's hard to do when you're battling cold temperatures, wind in your face, and snow falling everywhere. She did so well! Nothing but smiles the whole time. I presented the photos to them today. Today is actually her birthday, so it was a great present in addition to a wonderful day.

Scroll to the bottom for a little before and after edit; for fun.

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